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Flintlock uses containerd to pull and snapshot OS and kernel images, as well as to store MicroVM metadata.


Flintlock relies on containerd's devicemapper snapshotter to provide filesystem devices for Firecracker MicroVMs. Some configuration is required.

Flintlock supplies a general tool for provisioning hosts.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y dmsetup bc

sudo ./hack/scripts/ devpool

Verify with sudo dmsetup ls.



It is likely that you will already have containerd running somewhere: it is used by Docker.

For "tidiness" we will run a separate containerd process. The two will not interfere.

Write a new containerd configuration file. Save this config to /etc/containerd/config-dev.toml.

cat << EOF >/etc/containerd/config-dev.toml
version = 2

root = "/var/lib/containerd-dev"
state = "/run/containerd-dev"

address = "/run/containerd-dev/containerd.sock"

address = ""

pool_name = "flintlock-dev-thinpool"
root_path = "/var/lib/containerd-dev/snapshotter/devmapper"
base_image_size = "10GB"
discard_blocks = true

level = "trace"

Create all the state and run directories:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/containerd-dev/snapshotter/devmapper
sudo mkdir -p /run/containerd-dev/


Install ContainerD.

RunC is not required; Flintlock uses various containerd services only.

sudo containerd --config /etc/containerd/config-dev.toml

Containerd will log about 100 lines at boot, most will be about loading plugins, and we recommended scrolling up to ensure that the devmapper plugin loaded successfully.

Towards the end you should see something like containerd successfully booted in 0.055357s.

To reach our new dev containerd, we have to specify the --address flag, for example:

sudo ctr \
--address=/run/containerd-dev/containerd.sock \
--namespace=flintlock \
content ls

To make it easier, save the command to an alias:

alias ctr-dev="sudo ctr --address=/run/containerd-dev/containerd.sock"

You can either background the containerd process or open another shell window.